Greetings HPC Users,

As mentioned in a previous email on 27 March 2022, we have redesigned the HPC tests in order to ensure users’ proficiency level in using HPC. All HPC users, including new and long-time users are all required to complete the new tests by the end of April. Users that failed to complete and pass the tests by the end of April will have their account limited.

The links to the new tests can be found as followed:

  1. General HPC Understanding Test (E001)
  2. Basic HPC Linux (E002)
  3. Basic HPC Usage (E003)

All accounts that currently have full access to the HPC resources will be able to retain the access until the end of April. Accounts will only be limited after April if tests have not been completed. If you need HPC training, you can book a training slot in this link.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Thank you.

Categories: HPCNews