Greetings HPC Users,
As some of you might already be aware, we are in the middle of setting up new infrastructure for the UM HPC cluster. As the setup comes closer to completion, we would like to take this opportunity to invite some of you to become a community tester for the new infrastructure.
The purpose of this community tester program is to allow selected users to have early access to the new HPC infrastructure to test their application and program. This should allow us to fix many of the unforeseen issues on the new infrastructure before the cluster is released to the UM research community. Thus the role of the community tester is vital to the stability of the HPC cluster afterward. The community tester program is expected to last for 2 to 3 weeks starting April 2024.
Before we continue with the details for the community tester program, we would like to remind that all data generated in the new storage system during the testing will be wiped but you can choose to copy out the data to the old storage system within the given timeline. As only a handful of popular scientific applications are installed at the moment, not all users will be selected for the tester program. You must also be able to commit a little of your time attending briefing before the program starts and submitting a basic report via form after the program ends.
If you are interested in becoming a community tester for the UM HPC cluster, please proceed to submit an application using this simple form before 29 March 2024. The application form is open to all UM and non-UM HPC users. Eligible users will receive a notification via the registered email afterward. If you have any colleagues or friends that were previously UM HPC users, please feel free to share the information with them.
If you have any concerns or questions, please let us know. Thank you for your time and we are looking forward to your response.